Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Newton’s Preface to Principia Mathematica

The preface of Sir Isaac Newton to Principia Mathmetica is an introduction of the book—its origin, its contents, a brief explanation of what is inside, and how the book got published. Newton explains the difference between mechanics and geometry and their relationship in the first part. On the latter part, he explains how postulations on the first part of the book may lead to calculations on the movement of celestial bodies. Finally, Newton thanks the sponsor of the book at the end. Mechanics, Philosophy, and Geometry are words that are mentioned in frequency in the opening parts of the preface. Mechanics today would be thought of something related to machines, but back in Newton’s day, it is possibly the old name of Physics because the word â€Å"Physics† is not mentioned anywhere in the preface, and the way he describes mechanics is very much like how we see Physics today. Geometry, on the other hand, is pretty much the same way as we use it today as it was in Newton’s time, as it pertains to the study of different shapes and their measurement. Lastly, Philosophy then was seen as more related to science, whereas today, people would not really think of science when they first hear the word â€Å"philosophy,† or at least the common person would not. The preface is divided into three parts—information about the first two books of Principia Mathematica, the third book, and then the thank you message with a disclaimer. In the first part, Newton explains the difference between geometry and mechanics and their relationship with each other. Though there are differences, Newton states that geometry is part of mechanics and concludes that geometry is founded in mechanical as part of universal mechanics. By using geometry and mechanics, Newton aims to find out more about natural forces and explain their phenomena. The second part is about the third book. Newton states that by using the information gathered in studying geometry and mechanics, he says that movement of celestial bodies can be calculated (which is based on an already existing Kepler’s law). The third part is where Newton mentions the man who made the publication of the book possible, and that man is Mr. Edmund Halley (who was famous for calculating the return of the comet now credited to his name). Newton thanks Halley for being such a major influence in the publication of Principia Mathematica and an unfinished book about celestial movement. Finally, after crediting Halley for his efforts and influence, Newton moves on to a sort of disclaimer in the en d, saying that he has put off the publication of the prospective book about celestial movement, and that delay may have caused imperfections in the current publication. As far as writing style is concerned, hints of Newton being a scientist is quite evident. Newton attempts to keep his preface as brief and concise as possible, but there are segments in the preface where he could not let go of the urge to explain more and give more examples. To illustrate, consider as an example the latter part where he starts his â€Å"disclaimer† about not being able to publish a book and the defects found in the current book. Other than that, everything else seems very well written, especially how he alludes to the past (by mentioning ancient times) and moving to the present. It gives a sense of chronological order to his preface.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Early Christianity Essay

Christianity is one of the biggest religions in the world and is followed mostly all over the world. One of the first of the Christians was the followers of Jesus Christ, a Jew, who taught the way to live for each and every individual. He taught the concept that he is raised from dead that made people to consider the divine. He was celestial and showed people the way to deliverance. This concept increased the number of christens in the Rome and at the end of the fourth century it became the utter religion of the Rome. What were the reasons for the fast spread of Christianity? There were a number of them. Mostly because of the teachings of Jesus, as it tells that there should be love in between all the human beings and there should be equality as well. This encouraged the poor and needy ones to convert. His concept of life after death attracted the people who were feared of there deaths. Decent revolution was another reason for all to be attracted; no matter they are poor or rich. Now what were the diverging views of the roman and Christens? Romans have a concept that a person should live a best possible life in this world and should live a luxurious care free life where as Christianity was not having this concept. According to them a person should live through deliverance so that they could have the best of the life after death. Greek have some valid reason which actually made the Christens to think that was intelligence is through lonely time. This threatened christens that there followers might decrease. This was when church interpretation came into act so that the right thing should be guide and what is the real meaning of bible should be examined. Our acts can not save us from the fire of hell. It is only the teachings of the Jesus which can actually save us from the hell which could make us enter the heavenly life after death. What was the origin of the unity of the human race? What was the origin of human sinfulness? According to Augustine it was the teachings of the Jesus Christ which actually was the origin of the unity of the human race. Jesus taught them that there will be no inequality between the poor and the rich and they are equal to the God. They should live for salvation instead of pleasure. They should love each other and should give respect to each other. No richer people have right to be superior and no poor are inferior to the wealthier one. All are equal and all are human. The only thing they should care for is the life after death and people should live more for that than this life. This concept actually was the origin of the unity as after this there was unity in all race of human. No blacks were accused of being blacks and no whites were to be superior. This was the main origin of equality in human race. Augustine thinks that the desire of people to live as commanded by God so that they could achieve heaven is the main origin of the human race or human equality. Those who lived for this world and they don’t care of the life after death actually gives birth to the human sinfulness. The desire to be wealthier and to increase the standard of living made human to be sinful. The thought of being better than others increased there sinfulness. This desire made them to do more and more sinfulness and actually origin the word of sinfulness. This actually was origin from roman people who wanted better in this life. What are the two cities, city of God and City of men, according to Augustine? What are there implications on the Christen teachings? There are two cities according to Augustine. City of men means this world that is the world according to which a person is judged. It is the world where you can get your pleasure. Whereas the City of God is the life after death, where a person is judged according to there lives. This is the life of heaven or hell and is immortal whereas city of men is temporary and will be finished when Jesus will come again. City of men is dishonest whereas city of God is ideal. This gives christens the concept of life after death and tells them that everyone is judged according to its deeds. It also tells us that this world in not eternal and will be finished as the Jesus will come where as the life after death is forever so we should care for that life. This gives christens the concept and belief in life after death. Who can measure the happiness of haven? Then it tells about the heaven where all will be happy and satisfied and they will be able to do whatever they want. They can live through there desires. Everywhere will be satisfaction and it is a place of spirits. There would be no evil at all. Later christens started hating Jews as they thought that hating Jews is right. As God hates Jewish people so they also started hating Jews. They stopped going to occasions of Jews. Saints started teaching Christens against Jews and that the Jews are the worst of the people. There is a disease in Jews that may cause some Christian’s attraction towards them. This disease is needed to be cured. Now what is this Disease? This disease is not a medical disease. It is about the ‘Judaizing disease’ that means spreading of Judaism. They are to launch on christens to attend there festival and to fast with them. Some of the Christens who thinks that Jews have the same thinking as they have will go for it and will attend there festivals. This will cause people to accept Judaism. This is the fear of some christens and they wanted this disease to be finished. The disease is the spreading of Judaism not any medical disease and it should be finished with the help of the teachings of Bible by saints.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Commentary for “The May Poles and Their Queen” Essay

When reading the Greek myth Orpheus, I was immediately struck by the heroism of the central character. Orpheus is the classic male hero, overcoming all obstacles to bring back his beloved Eurydice, only to be eventually thwarted by something even more powerful than his heroism: his own love. Because of the essentially classical, romanticized nature of Orpheus, I felt it would be an ideal source text for a modern-day interpretation. In order to gain a better understanding of the text, I initially adopted, in Stuart Hall’s terms, the ‘preferred’ reading; that is, how the audience are ‘meant’ to read a text, who they are expected to empathise with and what conclusions they are meant to draw. Applying Greimas’s structuralist scheme, I found it easy to identify Orpheus as the ‘subject’ or, according to Propp’s ‘spheres of influence’, the ‘hero’. Orpheus can also be identified as Propp’s ‘donor’ figure through his extraordinary skill at playing the lyre, which provides him with apparently limitless power when it comes to charming the gods of the underworld. The ‘sender’ would be Eurydice, for dying and subsequently ‘sending’ Orpheus on his quest to the underworld. The ‘villain’ could be Aristaeus for chasing Eurydice, or any of the creatures of the underworld for opposing Orpheus. Alternatively, and perhaps more interestingly, the ‘villain’ could be Orpheus’s own love, which is so strong it forces him to look back, and lose his wife forever. Eurydice can also be identified as Greimas’s ‘object’ or Propp’s ‘princess’: the ‘object’ of Orpheus’s quest, whose only ‘skill’ is to be desired by the ‘subject’, Orpheus. I also applied Tzvetan Tordorov’s theory that there is a similar narrative framework to all stories. For Todorov, a story usually begins with a state of peace and harmony, an ‘equilibrium’: Orpheus has his love, his music and is happy. This then evolves into ‘disruption’: Eurydice dies and Orpheus must journey to the underworld to bring her back. Then Orpheus attempts to repair the ‘disequilibrium’, by charming the creatures of the underworld. Next, according to Todorov, a ‘new equilibrium’ is often found. However, in Orpheus, this is not the case. Eurydice is left in the underworld and Orpheus’s head is left singing alone in the upper world, still crying out for his lost love, unable to find his ‘new equilibrium’ by being denied even unity in death. Applying these structuralist theories, I found, only served to emphasize the essentially patriarchal nature of the myth. The literary theorist Terry Eagleton talks of how â€Å"[a text’s] blindnesses, what it does not say and how it does not say it†¦ [is] maybe as important as what it articulates† (Eagleton, 1996) i.e. the ‘untold’ story, the ‘gaps’ in the original tale, can allow for additional perspectives other than the conventional, ‘preferred’ reading. In reference to Orpheus, I felt that the character of Eurydice, and her account of events, was a very important ‘blindness’, which had been largely ignored by Greek mythology. Because of this, I decided to adopt a more ‘oppositional reading’, as Hall would characterise it, and subsequently, a more ‘feminist’ approach, making Eurydice the classic hero. This opened up a variety of possibilities to me concerning the other roles. Could Orpheus (or Christian in my re-working) now become the ‘villain’, his ‘quest’, from her perspective, becoming more akin to a ‘hunting down’? The ‘object’ could now become Edie’s desire to be recognised and appreciated. Could Christian’s ‘underworld’ not be Edie’s ‘new equilibrium’? I also thought it would be interesting to strip Christian of his ‘donor’ role by making his musical talent all a faà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ade. I felt that it was a perfectly reasonable reading of the original text to believe that the reason Orpheus ‘required’ Eurydice was simply to act as his ‘muse’ and inspire him to create beautiful music. By interpreting Orpheus’ need for Eurydice on a more literal level, I could make Edie the one who was the true musician. This makes Christian’s need for her all the more desperate as, without Edie, Christian feels he can no longer be a successful musician, as is the case in the original text. I also felt that the tale of Orpheus had almost become too romanticized and was subsequently open to a parody. Consequently, I tried to create a carnivalesque interpretation, that is, exaggerate some of the key aspects of the characters until they almost become ‘grotesque’, in order to evoke humour. I decided to make my target audience aged 14-18, as I felt that they would feel comfortable with the modern-day, often egotistical, music culture, and also be open to, and appreciate, the attempt to invert the original tale’s gender stereotyping. As I wanted to create a visually dynamic as well as linguistically comical piece, I chose the genre of a television drama: a genre likely to appeal to my target audience. This also allows the piece to suddenly break out of realism in order to give the drama a distinctly surreal edge, for example, the impromptu arrival of the snake. I felt the addition of this element of ‘magical realism’ to the piece would add to the farcical nature and heighten the comedy. The opening few scenes are key to establishing the tone of the piece, and also the characters’ relationships. The opening scene of a â€Å"rock band† performing on stage is designed to grab the viewer’s attention, whilst also appealing to my target audience. Christian uses the informal register of the archetypal ‘rock star’: â€Å"We’ve been Christian and the May Poles! Goodnight!† This type of lexis has connotations of arrogance and vanity, which is designed to contrast with the stupidity of Orpheus’s kilt and also the band name ‘Christian and the May Poles’, a pun on the original ‘Maenads’. By having Edie backstage, providing the real musical talent, she initially appears a relatively oppressed, marginalised character: always forced to stay in the background: â€Å"Yeah. Well, I ain’t ‘Christian’, am I?† There is a sense that Edie has accepted the belief imposed upon her by Christian: that she is simply an accessory to his success. I gave her a distinct Northern accent in order to appear more ‘down to earth’ than her ‘rock star’ counterpart, and also to appeal more to the audience as the ‘under-dog’. Throughout, Christian is portrayed as the archetypal, vain, male ‘rock star’. I attempted to emphasize this vanity linguistically, through his self-obsessed use of language – â€Å"You’ve already got flowers. My flowers. Flowers handpicked by moi† – and also through his obsession with his eyebrows. I felt that by giving this conventionally ‘effeminate’ concern to both Christian and Al, I could further parody the ‘strong’ male stereotype associated with Greek myths. One of the key changes that I made to the original text was that in my drama, Edie runs away from Christian as opposed to â€Å"Aristaeus†. She is also willingly ‘bitten’ by the snake. By having Edie willingly leave Christian for the ‘underworld’, this is in keeping with my overall ‘feminist’ angle of approach, as it now becomes Edie’s ‘quest’ to find her role as a performer. Instead of making the characters of my ‘underworld’ subtly linked to the characters in the original myth, I decided on overstating their most obvious physical features in order to provide an out and out carnivalesque adaptation. Because of this, I decided that a theatre would be an ideal setting, and, by drawing inspiration from the character of the serpent, introduced the idea of a pantomime production of the Bible in the hope that this would generate further humour. Deliberately playing with the notion of stereotypes, that is foregrounding the whole issue, was also a comic device. Just as Christian is the ‘stereotypical rock star’, so all the characters of the underworld are stereotypical actors, as I felt this would add a new angle to these conventionally frightening characters. The use of ‘stock’ figures and the language associated with them, – such as the ‘wise’ Yorkshiremen – would also speed up audience recognition and mean the characters would not need to be individually introduced. In earlier drafts, I had attempted to give the beginning a more serious edge, in order to contrast with the absurdity of the underworld. I had incorporated monologues, in the style of Jim Cartwright’s Road, in an attempt to provide greater character insight. However, these monologues seemed to ‘jar’ with the other scenes and make the beginning appear ‘flat’, without really adding to the piece. Although they established the characters, they did so in a rather bland, pedestrian way, so these scenes were reworked. However, I still felt I had to emphasize the difference between the characters of the ‘upper world’ and those of the ‘underworld’ and one of the main ways I did this was through my choice of language. Because my chosen setting was a theatre, I wanted to give the language of the ‘underworld’ a distinct theatrical edge. One of the ways I tried to achieve this was through my use of â€Å"luvvies'† discourse, for example, the Serpent’s line â€Å"How marvellous!†, an indication of the affected register of language associated with the theatre. This inflated speech is in immediate contrast to both Christian and Edie’s more ‘down to earth’, Northern dialect and I tried to emphasize this contrast by having the two types of speech juxtaposed in order that they might ‘break against’ each other and subsequently, generate humour: â€Å"Greetings Child/Who the hell are you?† Another theatrical device which I made use of was the ‘one liner’ – a device associated with pantomime – in the hope that this would make the piece feel like a â€Å"pantomime production of Orpheus† as it were. For example the serpent’s ‘one-liner’ â€Å"I’m playing the serpent incidentally† attempts to add humour by overstatement, as I interpreted this character on a literal level and made my serpent, an actor â€Å"wearing a giant green snake costume†. This line also refers to both the pantomime production of the Bible and the original Greek myth. It will inform viewers already familiar with the myth that the ‘descent into the underworld’ is about to begin, and provide a ‘sneak preview’ into future events. The ‘wise men’, Rod, Bob and Todd were added to act as a Cerebus figure. I gave them each a pint of beer in order that they might ‘foam at the mouth’ as Cerebus was famed for doing, and made them â€Å"drunk and†¦ quite menacing† in order to, like Cerebus, be perceived as ‘vicious’. Through their physical similarity and the syntactical correspondency of their language, they are designed to appear like a ‘club-act’, finishing off each other’s sentences in an almost ‘pantomime patter’ style, in order to ‘gang up’ on Christian: â€Å"We are wise men./The wise men of Yorkshire†. I also made them speak simultaneously, in order to appear as though they are ‘one being with three heads’: â€Å"We know!† I transformed the original mythological character of Charon into another actor, Little Ron. I combined many of the traditional aspects of Charon such as the hood and cape, with sunglasses in order to contrast with Charon’s ‘blazing eyes’ motif. I also made him exceptionally short in order to dismiss any preconceptions which the audience may have of Charon being ‘spooky’ and ‘all powerful’. As opposed to Orpheus paying Charon ‘one silver coin’ to descend in the underworld, Christian instead gives Little Ron a cigarette. I felt this fitted in with my modern-day outlook and also would add a comical element by effectively having â€Å"God† smoking. One of the most dramatic changes I made to the original tale was that in my version, Edie chooses to stay in the ‘underworld’, and it is she, as opposed to Des/Hades, who sends Christian back to the ‘upper world’ with the dismissive remark â€Å"I’m an actress, Chris†. By changing the original ending, Edie has found her real existence in the underworld, and to her, it is the upper world which is full of misery. Christian, however becomes a classic picture of male melancholy: â€Å"homeless and unable to even strum his guitar.† He is an allusion to the current crisis in masculinity, a phenomenon often voiced in the media, his ‘traditional role’ as the performer taken over by his female counterpart: abandoned for â€Å"Keith Harris†. Because of this, Christian feels his masculinity has been threatened. This is then made ironic by his final effeminate cry of â€Å"My tweezers!† In the final scene, I had Edie â€Å"smiling sadistically† as she plucks her eyebrows, indicative of her mocking of Christian, a reversal of the original patriarchal tale. For whereas in the original text, it is the ‘hero’ Orpheus who ‘goes on his quest and fails’, in my transformation it is the ‘heroine’ Edie, who not only sets off on her ‘quest’ but also succeeds and ultimately, it is she who ‘comes out on top’. BIBLIOGRAPHY Philip, Neil. The Illustrated Book of Myths, (DK, 2000) Hughes, Ted. Ted Hughes’ Collected Plays for Children, (Faber, 2001) Widdicombe, Rupert. The Sunday Times, (4 September 1994, CINEMA, pages 10-11) Ross, Alison and Greatrex, Jen. A2 English Language and Literature, (Heinemann, 2001) Eagleton, Terry. Literary Theory, An Introduction (Blackwell, 1996) Machery, Pierre. A Theory of Literary Production (Routlege and Kegan Paul. 1978) Graves, Robert. The Greek Myths:1 (Penguin, 1955) Vogler, Christopher. The Writer’s Journey: Mythic Structure for Writers (Michael Wiese Productions, 1998) Cartwright, Jim. Road (Samuel French, 1989)

Bounds of Relational Technology and the how can it improve United Essay

Bounds of Relational Technology and the how can it improve United States (request write 8988) - Essay Example ) gained its boom early in 1990; today different RT businesses direct approximately $21 billion in profits for mid-market corporations across all businesses. In 2008, the opening position of top industries of this market projected that the Relational Technology solutions industry is would be at top of the five independent businesses in the United States. The establishment of all company functions is the information and data.   In this data and information centric world, Relational Technology solutions are important mechanism offering access data (Ron et al, 2008). Relational technology is the only ultimate solution that provides us all above mentioned forms of data. The analysis of above given data leads us to data warehousing. We use data warehousing for the prediction of the future trends and buying behavior. Proper management and handling of future trends and buying behavior provide us better competitive edge in the market. Relational Technology solutions offer an exceptional procedure to get rid of a legacy database system, it interfaces intimately with system customers to reconfigure the  legacy data and information model into an existing relational database design.   For instance, corporate data coded records (comparable record containing an assortment of arrangements), copying collections (a table together with this inside a record arrangement), collection basics, etc (Lisa, 2007).   Relational Technology solutions standardize these procedures to offer a realistic relational data model for better organization administration and management. Relational Technology has provided many advantages to industry, such as better database handling, systems management, database security, and better organizational solutions for complex transitions (Lisa, 2007). I will now present an example of the leading US Relational Solutions provider company, the RTS (Relational Technology Solutions). This company is the fifth self-proclaimed largest finance corporation in the

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Business Financial Markets Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Business Financial Markets - Case Study Example Efforts are taken to identify the potential causes behind the downfall of the company. The purpose of the study is to gain understanding regarding the importance of financial risk assessment, compliance of regulations and proper management of credit grants. Dynamic Oil Trading was established in the year 2012, with its headquarters in Singapore and operations spread across the globe. It is a subsidiary of the Danish firm OW Bunker. Apart from Singapore the company is strategically present in Dubai. It also has ambitious plans of expanding into the nations of Europe, Asia and America. The company is operates in the field of oil bunkering and marine fuel logistics. It has been successful at establishing strong corporate relations in Singapore and run an efficient fuel supply chain. The company works with global partners and traders who believe in fast paced growth and operates in high energy environments. The prime objective of Dynamic Oil is to provide consumers with timely delivery of oil and lubricants, irrespective of different issues and challenges. The company is stated to be made up of traders possessing high experience in the field of oil bunkering and logistics. The company remains proud of its successful of corporate links whic h has facilitated in the establishment of a strong and well integrated supply chain. Dynamic oil believes that acquiring high liquidity and possessing suitable financial strengths is essential for the delivery of products on time and with bets possible deals. Shipping and fuel procurement in general is a complex business process, which requires trading oil and lubricant profitably. Hence the company is strategically involved in the financial markets. In order to attract business, the company assures its clients with full value for money. However the recent involvement of the company in alleged scandals and fraudulent dealings involving the financial markets has led the company into

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Obama Inaurgural Speech Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Obama Inaurgural Speech - Essay Example Despite all the issues the country has been able to recoup and has been able to fight back all issues successfully (Yahoo News, 2009). The president’s speech focused a lot on how he would work on solving issues which the country is currently facing, however this would be possible only if the citizens took up some responsibility. He also mentions that the success of the country mainly depends on the hard work, honesty, courage and fair play, tolerance and curiosity, loyalty and patriotism. He highlighted the importance of these aspects for the country’s success. He paid a lot of importance to the divided efforts of every individual of the country to work towards fighting all the issues that the country is currently facing, which he felt is an important promise and a price to be paid by every citizen of the country (Yahoo News, 2009). President Barack Obama recognised and highlighted a number of issues that are being faced by the country at present. In the inaugural speech Obama has addressed a number of issues which he plans to resolve. President highlighted the issues of the country moving into a recession and also highlighted the various issues that have been caused due to the irresponsibility of a few people, greed and collective failure of a number of decisions made. He felt that these issues would definitely cause the country to decline to a great extent. Thus to resolve this President has tried and requested the country to understand their responsibilities and to take actions to ensure a united improvement of the country (Yahoo News, 2009). The President also mentioned the issue of conflicts and discord which has been prevalent in the country and has decided to try and solve these issues. The President highlighted that United States of America is a country with a number of different religions and a number of different cultures. Also he aims at improving the economic condition of the country and this he mentioned required responsible spending by

Friday, July 26, 2019

Part One Evaluative Bibliography Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Part One Evaluative Bibliography - Assignment Example Ruth Gruber has written an insightful discussion about Virginia Woolf, both from the perspective of her writing and of her as a woman in the early twentieth century. Gruber interviews Woolf and provides commentary on the ways in which Woolf presents herself, in contrast to the way in which she has created her work, her demure, self-deprecating discussion of her own intellect revealed in such a manner as to deny the proclamations of her writing, not because she does not realize her own intellect, but because she seems to polite to actually discuss it. Gruber discusses Woolf as a woman of elegance, her voice within her novels having the same casual elevation that her demeanor seems to have. Woolf states to Gruber â€Å"And you want to interview me for your book. I don’t know how I can help you. I don’t understand politics. I never worked a day in my life† (2). This statement is the crux of the investigation done about the novel Orlando: A Biography, that this ingen ious writer who exhibits such a depth of understanding in regard to the political nature of gender roles and the way in which the social politics of culture affect the lives of those who are subject to those politics, that it is with a great passion that further information was explored. Gruber agrees and states that â€Å"I wondered how she considered that it was not work to write groundbreaking novels, brilliant essays, and book reviews, and why she would demean her knowledge of politics. Her books were full of politics; her friends in the Bloomsbury crowd were energetic political thinkers† (2). The exploration of gender is a core theme within the novel as Woolf writes an almost autobiographical account through the symbolic magical occurances that surround the life of a man who becomes a woman and refuses to age or grow old and die. Gruber states that â€Å"the early period of his masculinity would be analogous to that stage in Virginia Woolf and in almost every girl, when she longs to be a boy†(148). What Woolf is searching for, and seems to find, is a way to write about the experience of coming into one’s feminine self, of finding the woman within and understanding the responsibility that is involved in being a woman within her time period. Gruber goes on to say that â€Å"it is the female Orlando who can feel with intensity the impulse for physical and spiritual completion†(148). Woolf discovers herself and finds a way to best express that discovery through Orlando. It is within the framework of having met and come to interview Woolf that Gruber is able to find a more in depth understanding of the work that she wrote. Her discussions with Woolf lead her to find the Woolf within the character of Orlando, to unveil some of the mystery of the woman while revealing the androgynous hero/heroine of the novel. As Woolf is the true subject of the work, it is clear that the way in which she is revealed is draped in symbolism, the nature of her life thick with the influences of the culture in which she has lived, thus providing a framework in which to discuss the political aspects that bleed from the pores of the work. Cucullu, Lois. Expert Modernists, Matricide, and Modern Culture: Woolf, Forster, Joyce. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2004. Print. Cucullu discusses the modern culture and the impact that writers have had upon the culture and the way in which they have been impacted by the effects of the changes and growth of modern culture. The nature of the work Orlando is discussed for the way in which androgyny comes to define a certain definition of love and desire. As Orlando has transformed from a man to a woman, his lust is no longer defined purely by the designation of gender. Thus, Cucullu states that â€Å"desire, and not gender or sex, is naturalized in the figure of Orlando†

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Engineering manager doing research and analysis Coursework

Engineering manager doing research and analysis - Coursework Example This will need conscious effort from the student but is very effective. Practices like switching to eco-friendly bulbs, switching off electrical appliances when not in use, use of eco-friendly alternatives in everyday life contribute to the conversation of energy. Also use of recyclable and reusable products are advised as this reduces the waste that goes into the environment. Products that cannot be reused must be boycotted on the campus by the students. Students must get actively involved making their campus greener ad eco-friendly. Plants can be grown on the rooftops of dorm and apartment buildings. Waste reduction and management will also help to keep the campus clean and greener. Conscious effort in commuting can also be an effective go green initiative. Riding bikes, using mass transport options, alternative vehicles and energy, etc will reduce the stress that transport puts on the environment. Video conferencing can be used as an effective tool for communication in the campus and wherever possible. Use of paper must be reduced and softcopies of documents must be used as an alternative to printouts. These practices as a whole will help reducing overall carbon footprint of the student body. Introduction With global warming reaching alarming figures, it has now become a major global concern. There is a need for immediate action in order to curb global warming and reduce its effects on the environment. The governments, organizations, companies, institutions worldwide have woken up to the fact that there needs to take measures sooner than later to fight global warming. Going green or eco-friendly is now the most important social responsibility. This report is a recommendation plan to the University of Greenwich on various green strategies that it can adopt to enable students studying in the university to go green. Various green strategies and practices have been analysed. There are numerous green strategies such as water and electricity conservation, acquisit ion of alternate fuel vehicles for communication inside the campus, recycling, water preservation, green building, green power, waste diversion, reduction of emission of green house gases, green space and ecosystems.etc. But in this report only those strategies are suggested that will enable the students studying in the University to go green. Practice Energy Conservation This is the most simple of solutions and the one that is most difficult and neglected. Students must try to conserve energy wherever possible. Use less energy wherever possible. Switch the old fashioned light bulbs to latest one which saves energy. Use alternate energy wherever possible. Small steps like switching off your computers, lights and other electric equipment when not in use when practiced by a large number of people, in this case students, make a huge difference. Even setting the computer in sleep mode when not in use can save a lot of energy. Products that have eco-friendly alternative must be purchased even if it would be a little costlier as it will pay off in a long run (Swallow, 2009). For example, energy start products contribute to the cause. Items that are not being used such as appliances, cell phone chargers must be unplugged. Even though they are not being used, they draw electricity from the outlets (Carnegie Mellon, 2012). All students must be introduced to the various ways on conserving energy on a day-to-day basis and must

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Theories of Media Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Theories of Media - Movie Review Example The only tool he has in this philosophical battlefield is his charisma and skills in clever rationalization. In actuality, the film centers on Nick's crisis of conscience as he denies the hazards, rhetoric, and moral qualms that his job involve with. Adding to the complication of the story is the presence of his son, who chooses to believe him despite the obvious facts that are tagged along with the kind of career he has. Along the way he met two people that put twist on his life, the investigative report who thinks she got Naylor by the neck for her own scheme, and win the interest of the tobacco head honcho. The movie also tackles the wondrous possibilities of having enough money to bribe certain responsible media, such as film, to advertise almost anything even hazardous element like cigarettes. It takes near to death experience and a child's welfare that convinced Naylor to oppose his expertise. Even not directly stated, but the sub message is clear that Hollywood is more influential and glamorous than the Washington, but still both cities are essentially in the same business of promoting and tolerating public influential ideas. Putting in an ugly light the moral sectors who themselves have moral issues to resolve with, and depicting the being of a person of the social antagonist. The film balances between the stand of smokers and non-smokers. Leaving to the audience the decision which argument they most likely conformed. It is the matter of choice that matters and how responsible one should be with his stand. THE AUDIENCE Joey, Nick Naylor's son, informally represents the audience of the film, putting up sympathy toward his father's job by agreeing his arguments, but still having his own mind, doubtful about cigarette smoking. And like Joey, audience able to understand that Nick is only doing his job in order "to pay his mortgage", just like anyone else working. The production targeted mature audiences because of its theme. It is an engine to capsulate the culture and business of professional argument. Informally aim for public awareness about social influence. THEORIES OF MEDIA In the movie, a certain journalist, played by Katie Holmes, has her own scheming method to penetrate the perspective of a tobacco lobbyist. A person like Nick Naylor, in his status, is a subject for media content. Like Gazeteciler stated, every angle of the hero's argument and personality is subject for news framework, it is changeable. California's Proposition 99 is a response to the neo-puritanical culture. It is the real issue ongoing sub context to the film. The aim of this form of media is to awaken the senses of the public or rather a reminder of how social influence and authoritarian responsibilities in a way audience can relate and sympathize with. Even before this film is played in cinemas, it already gains both praises and negative critiques. The content of the movie itself is controversial enough to even produce a 'gimmick' for its press release. The title could catch attention of the authority concerns, enough for them to get alarmed. That's why the press release agency effortlessly brought the advertisement of this film, but still aware that it won't be in a blockbuster list because of its sensitive theme and the fact that some genre of audiences cannot be allowed for

Final Review Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Final Review - Assignment Example Crime is mostly viewed as an endurance alternative in the range of poverty (Pogrebin, 23). In contradiction to these expectations, some poor communities experiencing low levels of crime because behavior is restricted by unofficial social and cultural values. Unemployment is a vital issue related to the rates of crime and violence among most young people. From the World Bank research, people between the age of fifteen and 24 are not employed. This clearly suggests that the unemployed youths are probably more likely to be the beginners and victims of crime and violence. An abundance of universal information proposes that crime and violence are firmly connected with the development and extent of young populace and, particularly, youthful guys. Cross-national examination utilizing information on 44 nations from 1950 to 2000 uncovers the rate of youthful individuals in the populace and their level of flourishing are together more critical in illustrating the variability of crime. The incr ease in the number of youths is clearly evident in the story of the killer Louis Wagner was executed on June 25, 1875. This is as a result of the increased love affairs within the young people. In March of that year on the Isles of Shoals (Smuttynose, particularly), two adolescent Norwegian ladies were clubbed to passing. Wagner, a 28-year old Prussian worker, appeared to have no true rational in murdering the two ladies. In spite of the fact that commentators have addressed her observer account, it was Maren who recognized the executioner as Louis Wagner (Capote, 317). A neighborhood angler considered his dory lost from Pickering Wharf close-by at 8 p.m. also it is presently expected Louis obtained it. His eleven hour nonattendance furnishes adequate time for the excursion under existing quiet climate conditions (Pogrebin 39). The tide was in his support the moon was bright and the White Island beacon plainly indicated the way. Maren affirmed that a passing angle had conveyed her s pouse's message maxim he might return extremely late. The trail of blood persuaded the jury that the executioner was acquainted with the Hontvet house. Not long after his capture, in a statement, Louis Wagner had dissented that he was so acquainted with the Hontvet house that, if he truly need to burglarize them, he could have completed it effortlessly and without discovery. Indeed Louis Wagner's passing is wrapped in false impressions. Either way this was a violent action and a crime. Unemployment can lead to human beings carrying out extremely violent and criminal acts as shown in the True Crime: An American Anthology. The high minded man is substance to dream what a devilish man truly does." I considered this entertaining, for no other excuse for why than Schechter appeared to be possibly on the edge, which is a position that any correct crime spectator will in the long run end up enclosed. You take it that individuals will ask you for what reason you would at any point need to r ead such shocking things the Crime. In this segment, the crime is depicted. This could be carried out in two ways (Schechter 339). To begin with, the crime could be depicted as a story. Then again, and this is more common, you can portray the crime scene, then loop once again to the genuine crime as a flashback later in the book as Capote does with Perry Smith's extremely popular jailhouse admission. Chase for the executioners.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Goods vs Service Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Goods vs Service - Essay Example ned that technology is altering the manner in which some of the giant companies perform their businesses, fostering new strategies and thereby revolutionizing the research-and-development process (Brynjolfsson & Schrage, 2009). It is worthy of stating that digitalization as well as networking are the two main components of the modern day society. Through digitalization the different mediums are combined based on the technology which enables a huge amount of data to be transmitted and processed. With the help of networking, virtual communities are being formed over the networks, focused around the internet. With the greater advancement of the technology there has been transformation in the structure and processes of the business world. With the help of intranets and e-mails the processes are being enhanced. It can be stated that the conventional way of shopping is being replaced by the contemporary ways where the consumers are capable of making order over the internet sitting at their homes. The payments can be made with the help of the credit cards and therefore the requirement to visit the store by the buyer is eliminated to a great extent. Prior to purchasing the product, the customer is capable of havin g access to the bulletin board with the assistance of the personal computers for the purpose of viewing the product review and can as well contribute in forums in order to gain the required information from the actual users of the product (Kato, 2007). The technology can also be used by the organization to customize the product and customers services. For instance, it is through information technology that a firm may shift from ‘delivery from stock’ to ‘making an order’ or may shift from ‘selling function’ to ‘renting function’ (Ives & Mason, 1990). Therefore, it can be mentioned that the technology is altering the characteristic of the services and the manner in which the firms tends to interact with the customers. The advancement in the

Monday, July 22, 2019

Eddie and Catherine Essay Example for Free

Eddie and Catherine Essay When Catherine has a conversation with Beatrice about her behaviour in front of Eddie, Beatrice offers Catherine some advice that she not only doesnt like, but also that comes as a complete shock to her. Beatrice explains to her that Eddie thought that she was possibly jealous or something towards Catherine, because of the strong relationship that Eddie and Catherine had, compared to the weak relationship that Eddie and Beatrice share. When Catherine realises what Beatrice is implying, she claims that its the first [shed] thought of it, however it is clear from the way that she has started talking to Eddie that she has her suspicions. When we first met Eddie at the beginning of the play, he was a stern but kind husband to Beatrice and uncle to Catherine. He only cared about what was best for his family and tried to offer them the best advice that he could. However, events happened in his life that caused him to stop caring so much about Beatrice and started caring much more about Catherine. Eddies unavoidable feelings led him to think about what it was he actually did feel towards Catherine, and it is only at this point in the play that the other characters confront each other with what they think Eddie is feeling incestuous instincts towards his niece. However, the realisation of his lust is about to make Eddie reconsider his motives for trying to win the heart of his niece. When we see Eddies conversation with Alfieri, we appreciate why losing Catherine to Rodolfo is so difficult for him. Throughout the dialogue in this scene, we are presented with opinions and feelings that Eddie has never spoken of to anyone else, which represents a very strong trust between the two men. One of these feelings is jealousy: when I think of that guy layin his hands on her, I could I mean its eatin me out, Mr. Alfieri, because I struggled for that girl. Another feeling that Eddie shows is fear for his niece: what about it if the only reason for it is to get his papers? When an audience of the 1930s would have seen this, they would find it a crime. In America in the time of the Economic Depression, many people were illegally migrating from all over the world to America to seek a better life. If they were caught in America illegally, then they would be immediately deported back to their home country. However, the chance of being deported would have been less if the migrant had married an official citizen of the United States. In this case, if Rodolfo married Catherine then there would be less chance of Rodolfo being sent back to Italy. If someone in the audience then had felt that this was the only reason for Rodolfos love, then they would have been outraged with his actions and felt that he should get what he deserves and be deported. Eddies opinion about Rodolfo is made perfectly clear in this scene. He says to Alfieri what it is he thinks of him and his actions. The most prominent opinion is that he aint right, implying that Rodolfo is a homosexual and that the only reason he is marrying Catherine is in fact to get his American citizenship papers. This opinion has not just been made clear in this seen though. Throughout the play we see Eddie making comments to other characters about Rodolfos sexual orientation, such as when he is complaining about how late Catherine and Rodolfos date has taken, he says to Beatrice that he just hope[s] thats his regular hair, thats all. In the 1930s, it was not very common for males to get their hair coloured, so if a man did then it was considered that there was something nor right about them. Another opinion is that even if hes a punk he should still let Catherine go and wish her luck. If Eddie were to do this, then he would not forgive himself and regret it for the rest of his life. This is why Eddie never gives up in his fight to keep Catherine for himself. The opening of Act Two highlights the extent to which Catherine and Eddies relationship has deteriorated and how painful this is for Catherine. We are first presented with this when Catherine gives into Rodolfos emotional prompts and she tells him why she wants to move to Italy. She says to Rodolfo, Im afraid of Eddie here. This is the first time throughout the entire play that Catherine has admitted to being scared of Eddie, because she knows how angry she is at Rodolfo for loving her, and also how jealous he is that he cant have her as his own. Even though she knows deep down why she is afraid of him, she doesnt tell Rodolfo why. She says, I dont know! and tries to get Rodolfo to leave the subject alone, however he refuses. We see how painful it is for Catherine that her relationship with Eddie has broken down when she speaks of their history, Ive been here all my life Every day I saw him when he left in the morning and when he came home at night. You think its easy to turn around and say to a man hes nothing to you no more? and eventually breaks down into a fit of tears. Eddie has been there for Catherine ever since her mother died when she was a little girl. Eddie has been like a father to her, providing for her every need and trying his best to show her what is right and what is wrong. It is especially hard for Catherine because she knows that it is Eddie who has broken down their once outstanding relationship because of his pure jealousy and incestuous lust. If she could have her own way, then they would still be friends like they once were, but it is now too late because Eddie has been blinded by jealousy, anger and perverted sexual urges. It is more painful for Catherine than anyone else because she knows that its not her fault that their relationship has broken down, and also that she could have done something to stop this from happening. Up to this position in the play, there has not been a point where Eddie has given into his violent urges and acted upon impulse towards Rodolfo and Catherine. However, the climax of increasing tension between the characters is shown when Eddie is possessed by his own rage and jealousy and his kisses both Catherine and Rodolfo. This shows us Eddie desperately trying to do two things the first of these (the kiss towards Catherine) is trying to see if she would respond positively towards him, possibly by kissing him back or not resisting, just to see if she still loved him, or even if she felt the same way towards him. However, when she forces him away from her, he directs his sexual attention to Rodolfo. The second thing that Eddie tries to do is show that Rodolfo is actually homosexual, and he thinks that by kissing him it will make him admit it. If he didnt admit it, then he would still kiss him back, which would also prove his sexual orientation. When Rodolfo does not return Eddies passion to him, he demands that he leave the country. Because Eddie cannot prove that Rodolfo doesnt feel loving feelings towards Catherine, he demands that he leaves the country alone (Get outa here. Alone. You hear me? Alone) as a final attempt to break him and Catherine apart.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Effects Of Toxic Pollutants On Food Chains Environmental Sciences Essay

Effects Of Toxic Pollutants On Food Chains Environmental Sciences Essay When a factory pours harmful chemicals or wastes into the air or water, when oil leaks from a burning oilrig or when a tanker runs aground, and when a farmer puts pesticides or fertilizers on a field to increase crop yield, it is said that these things pollute the environment. Pollution can take many forms. Its effects can have a major impact on food chains both in the water and on the land.  Ã‚  Everything from plants to animals, large and small is impacted. Pollutants like oil, pesticides, fertilizers such as nitrogen and phosphate from fertilizers, and lead can have a tremendous impact on the ecosystem, especially if the water gets polluted. Effects of Toxic Pollutants on Food Chains An ecosystem can be defined, as a self-contained, dynamic system made of a population of species in its physical environment. The study a community is complex and includes the interactions between the organisms that make it up, and include: plants, animals, bacteria, and fungi. There are many different ways in which the community of organisms interacts. First is the food chain, where each organism is in a producer, consumer, predator, and prey relationship (Smith, Walker, et al). Next are the oxygen and water cycles that sustain the organisms. They provide the raw materials necessary for photosynthesis and cellular respiration, which make energy, and in turn, use it. When an ecosystem gets polluted, the natural balance in the system is disturbed, affecting the organisms in different ways. It is important to know how a simple act like introducing sewage water or toxic waste into a lake can threaten several animal and plants species in the area. Pollutants like oil, pesticides, nitrogen and phosphate from fertilizers and lead can have a tremendous impact on the ecosystem, especially if the water gets polluted. In a lake, for example, it can change the ecological balance by stimulating plant and algae growth, causing the death of fish due to suffocation from the lack of oxygen dissolved in the water. The oxygen cycle will eventually stop. The polluted water will also have a significant affect the animals dependant on the lake water. With no food to eat, or water to drink, they will be forced to move to another area, or face death. Both the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010 and the Exxon Valdez Spill in Alaska in 1989 caused significant damage to marine and wildlife habitats. In the Gulf of Mexico, it is reported that balls of oil continue to wash up along the shore, while dredging has shown mats of oil resting on the ocean floor, and oil sheen trails are still seen in the wake of fishing boats (CBS). Wetlands marsh grass remains fouled and dying, and oil can be seen in the pore space of sand and gravel deposits along the estuary edges of the Gulf. Although there was an extensive use skimmer ships, containment booms, raking of beaches and chemical and biological remediation (by introducing oil eating bacteria to eat the oil), the dispersion of the pollutants seems to have had minimal effect. In the short term, after several months, the fishing industry was allowed to resume operations (although in some areas, oil balls are found in the fishing nets). It is, however, too soon to know what the long terms effects will be. In Prince William Sound, Alaska, the use of a detergent dispersant had little effect and was stopped when it was found to be toxic to the cleanup workers and native wildlife. Wave action, which is important to disperse the oil in the water, was not enough, and the process was stopped (MacAskill). Attempts to burn the oil away, on a small scale, were successful, but had to be stopped when the weather changed. Ecosystems here form the basis of the coastal food chains. Animal life impacted by the spill included aquatic mammals, fish, birds as well as their related food chains. In the short term, hundreds of thousands of mid- and upper-level food chain animals were impacted, along with future generations (the eggs laid by salmon), for example, and in the long-term, scientists are still seeing contamination which has lead to a drastic reduction in populations across the board (Gill Elliott). Living in upstate New York, the use of nitrogen- and phosphorus-based fertilizers to increase cro p yield are commonplace. The chemicals and nutrients found in them, while beneficial for agricultural crops can be lethal in high doses for fish, birds and other wildlife. Pesticides, designed to kill pests chemically, are also dangerous when leached into soil or groundwater supplies. Heavy amounts of fertilizer chemicals like potassium, nitrogen and phosphorus in natural water systems can actually cause dead zones where wildlife cannot survive because of lower oxygen levels and chemical poisoning. Insects and organisms like honeybees and soil microbes that are beneficial to the food chain can be killed alongside the pests, eliminating that part of the ecosystem that is beneficial to crop health and sustainability. Nitrate (NO3) is a naturally occurring form of nitrogen found in soil. Nitrogen is essential to all life, and most crop plants require large quantities to sustain high yields. The formation of nitrates is an integral part of the nitrogen cycle in the environment. In moder ate amounts, they are a harmless constituent of food and water. Plants use nitrates from the soil to satisfy nutrient requirements and may accumulate nitrates in their leaves and stems (Relyea). Due to its high mobility, nitrates can also leach into groundwater, where ingestion can cause rare illness such as methemoglobinemia (found especially in infants) to occur. Nitrates form when microorganisms break down fertilizers, decaying plants, manures or other organic residues. Plants naturally take up these nitrates, but rain and irrigation water can cause them to runoff into lakes or streams, or leach them into groundwater. Although nitrate occurs naturally in some groundwater, in most cases higher levels are thought to result from human activities (Relyea). Common sources of nitrate include: fertilizers and manure, animal feedlots, municipal waste and sludge, septic systems and natural nitrogen fixation conducted by legumes, bacteria, and lightning. Nitrates that enter the food chain through non-natural means can have serious, and sometimes long-lasting effects on both plants and animals. Cattle and sheep (ruminants) are susceptible to nitrate poisoning when they drink contaminated water, animal feed or fodder. To protect drinking water, it is important to limit the loss of excess water and plant nutrients, and match fertilizer and irrigation applications to precise crop uptake needs in order to minimize groundwater contamination. While it may be technically possible to treat contaminated groundwater, it can be difficult, expensive and not totally effective. For this reason, prevention is the best way to ensure clean water. Water treatments include distillation, reverse osmosis, ion exchange or blending. Phosphorus is another common constituent of agricultural fertilizers, manure, and organic wastes in sewage and industrial effluent. It is an essential element for plant life, but when there is too much of it in water, it can spe ed up eutrophication (a reduction in dissolved oxygen in water bodies caused by an increase of mineral and organic nutrients) of rivers and lakes. Soil erosion is a major contributor of phosphorus to streams. Bank erosion occurring during floods can transport a lot of phosphorous from the riverbanks and adjacent land into a stream. It gets into water in both urban and agricultural settings, tends to attach to soil particles and, moves into surface-water bodies from runoff. A United States Coast and Geological Survey (USGS) study on Cape Cod, Massachusetts showed that phosphorus could also migrate with ground-water flows (Perlman). Since ground water often discharges into surface water, such as through stream banks into rivers, there is a concern about phosphorus concentrations in ground water affecting the water quality of surface water. Pesticides are substances or a mixture of substances, of chemical or biological origin, used by human society to eliminate or repel pests such as bacteria, nematodes, insects, mites, mollusks, birds, rodents, and other organisms that affect food production or human health (Pimentel). They usually act by disrupting some component of the pests life processes to kill or inactivate it. In a legal context, pesticides also include substances such as insect attractants, herbicides, plant defoliants, desiccants, and plant growth regulators. They can have an effect on both the water and soil. These pollutants have had some of their most striking effects on birds, particularly those in the higher trophic levels of food chains, such as bald eagles, hawks, and owls. These birds are often rare, endangered, and susceptible to pesticide residues such as those occurring from the bioconcentration (the amount of solute per unit volume of solution) of organic, chlorine-based insecticides through land-b ased food chains. Pesticides may kill grain- and plant-feeding birds, and the elimination of many rare species of ducks and geese has been reported. Populations of insect-eating birds such as partridges, grouse, and pheasants have decreased due to the loss of their insect food in agricultural fields through the use of insecticides. Bees are extremely important in the pollination of crops and wild plants, and although pesticides are screened for toxicity to bees, and the use of pesticides toxic to bees is permitted only under stringent conditions, many bees are killed by pesticides, resulting in the considerably reduced yield of crops dependent on bee pollination. The movement of pesticides into surface and groundwater happens through the processes of infiltration (when water sinks into unsaturated layers of soil) and runoff. Wildlife is affected, and human drinking water is sometimes contaminated beyond acceptable safety levels. In Beekman, New York, pesticides used to kill an infes tation of insects in a public school lead to the contamination of the village water supply when it leached into the reservoir. Sediments dredged from U.S. waterways are often so heavily contaminated by pesticide residues that it becomes hard to safely dispose of them on land. A major environmental impact has been the widespread death of fish and marine invertebrates due to the contamination of aquatic systems by pesticides. This has resulted from the agricultural contamination of waterways through fallout, drainage, or runoff erosion, and from the discharge of industrial wastes into waterways. Historically, most of the fish in Europes Rhine River were killed by the discharge of pesticides, and at one time fish populations in the Great Lakes became very low due to pesticide contamination (Smith). Many of the organisms that provide food for fish are extremely susceptible to pesticides, so the indirect effects of pesticides on the fish food supply may have an even greater effect on fis h populations. It is evident that pesticides cause major losses in global fish production, as they are extremely toxic to aquatic organisms. The literature on pest control lists many examples of new pest species that have developed when their natural enemies are killed by pesticides. This has created a further dependence on pesticides not very different from drug dependence. Finally, the effects of pesticides on the biodiversity of plants and animals in agricultural landscapes, whether caused directly or indirectly by pesticides, constitute a major adverse environmental impact of pesticides. Conclusion As chemicals diffuse up through the food chain, the top-level predators end up with the highest concentration of the chemicals in their bodies, and suffer the worst effects. They can have a major impact on all levels of the food chain. Excessive levels of pollution are causing a lot of damage to human and animal health, plants and trees, including tropical rainforests, as well as the wider environment. All types of pollution, air, water and soil, have an impact on the living environment. The effects in living organisms may range from mild discomfort to serious diseases such as cancer or physical deformities (extra or missing limbs in frogs). Experts admit that pollution effects are quite often underestimated and that more research is needed to understand the connections between pollution and its effects on all life forms. Waterborne diseases caused by polluted water can include: typhoid, amoebiasis, giardiasis, scariasis, hookworm, rashes, ear ache, pink eye, respiratory infections, hepatitis, encephalitis, gastroenteritis, diarrhea, vomiting, and stomach aches. Conditions related to water polluted by chemicals (such as pesticides, hydrocarbons, persistent organic pollutants, heavy metals etc) can include: cancer (prostate cancer and non-Hodgkins lymphoma), hormonal problems that can disrupt reproductive and developmental processes, damage to the nervous system, liver and kidney damage, damage to the DNA, and exposure to mercury (heavy metal). Soil pollution has many effects, as well, including: cancer, and leukemia. Lead in soil is especially hazardous for young children causing developmental damage to the brain. Mercury can increase the risk of kidney damage; cyclodienes (an organic insecticide) can lead to liver toxicity. Other effects can include neuromuscular blockage, depression of the central nervous system, headaches, nausea, fatigue, eye irritation and skin rash. Research Gill, C.  Ã‚   Elliott, J.   (2003). Influence of Food Supply and Chlorinated Hydrocarbon Contaminants on Breeding Success of Bald Eagles.   Ecotoxicology,  12(1-4),  95- 111.   Retrieved April 9, 2011, from ProQuest Biology Journals. (Document ID:  404134371). Gulf Oil Slick Endangering Ecology. CBS Broadcasting [written transcript]. 2010-04-30. Retrieved April 9, 2011, from ProQuest Biology Journals. MacAskill, E. (February 2, 2007). 18 years on, Exxon Valdez oil still pours into Alaskan waters, The Guardian.,,2004154,00.html. Retrieved April 9, 2011, from ProQuest Biology Journals. Perlman, H. (February, 2011). U.S. Department of the Interior. U.S. Geologic Survey. Retrieved April 9, 2011, from ProQuest Biology Journals. Pimentel, D., Lehman, H., eds. (1993). The Pesticide Question: Environment, Economics, and Ethics. New York: Chapman and Hall. Relyea,  R.   (2009). A cocktail of contaminants: how mixtures of pesticides at low concentrations affect aquatic communities. Oecologia,   159(2),  363-76.   Retrieved April 9, 2011, from ProQuest Biology Journals. (Document ID:  2021561771). Self, J. Waskom, R. (October, 2008) Colorado State University Soils Testing. Colorado State University Press: Denver. Smith,  J.,  Walker,  L.,  Shore,  R.,  Le V Dit Durell,  S.,  Howe,  P.,  Ã‚  Taylor,  M.   (2009). Do estuaries pose a toxic contamination risk for wading birds?   Ecotoxicology,  18(7),  906-17.   Retrieved April 9, 2011, from ProQuest Biology Journals. (Document ID:  1847368111). Veerina, S.,   Parker, N   Fedler, C.   (2002). Effects of Sludge Filtrate on the Survival and Reproduction of Ceriodaphnia dubia.   Ecotoxicology,  11(2),  113-8.   Retrieved April 9, 2011, from ProQuest Biology Journals. (Document ID:  386223921).

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Employment practices of wal-mart

Employment practices of wal-mart Introduction In the current global business world, companies are required to take consideration about its employees values and to follow ethically sound practices. Business ethics is the term people use in dealing with proper business behavior and is related to being fully aware of the consequences of the companys actions. Being aware means two things: first, adhering to the rules, laws, principles of morality, and other concerns regarding fairness and the needs of others; and second, taking responsibility of the effects to the customers, employees, and the society as a whole of the processes by which the company uses in making and rendering products and services. Founded in 1962, Wal-Mart is the worlds leader in sustainability, employment opportunities, and corporate philanthropy. It ranked first in Fortune Magazines 2010 Most Admired Companies survey and is now employing 2.1 million people worldwide (Wal-Mart, 2011). With competitive prices it sets for its products, Wal-Mart was able to destroy competitors such as Kmart and thousands of small businesses. Moreover, through profit savings from their exceptional relationship with the suppliers and operational efficiency, Wal-Mart was able to pass on its cost savings to its customers, thereby attracting them and expanding their market share in the retail industry. However, to maintain its profitability and sustainable growth, the company needs to reevaluate its strategies through internal environmental scanning. This paper will deal with the business ethics of Wal-Mart particularly its employment practices and how its organizational leadership comes into play. The writer believes that Wal-Marts employment practices are unattractive to peoples minds and include discrimination, inhumane practices, and undocumented workers. The paper will touch these ethical dilemmas, provide evidences to support each practice, and identify the principles in conflict under the Global Business Standards Codex. The paper will come into conclusion by proposing strategies on how these ethical standards can be changed in order to resolve the problem. Arguments and Discussions The Global Business Standards (GBS) Codex is a benchmark for businesses wanting to develop their own world-class code (International Monetary Fund, 2009). It comprises of simplified picture of the expected conducts of todays corporations. The authors of GBS identified eight principles (Carroll and Buchholtz, 2008) that companies must follow in creating new codes of conduct or assessing existing ones, namely, the principles of fiduciary, reliability, fairness, dignity, transparency, responsiveness, and citizenship. The creating or assessment of the code of conduct is the preliminary step for companies attempting to deal with global business ethics. The first conflict of Wal-Marts policies with the GBS Codex is with regard to the principle of fairness. Individuals finding jobs in work organizations may find that some companies incorporate opportunities for advancement while others do not. Jobs lacking in career path are less likely to offer promotions and salary increases. The common people taken out from then managerial career path are the women and minorities (Konrad, 2006). The companys old-fashioned culture reflects to the store policies. Many policies have been implemented that somehow discriminate employees especially women and strict employee to employee relationships. Women are rarely seen in management positions and at most they are not allowed to be in the top management. The federal class suit Dukes et al. v. Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. (Spangler et al. 2008). in 2001, is the largest civil rights suit regarding discrimination based on gender. It was represented by 1.6 million women workers of Wal-Mart who were employed from 1998-2001. The plaintiffs challenged the recruitment, promotion and payment policies of the company as a violation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 Title VII, which prohibited workplace discrimination (Cq Researcher, 2009). The women claimed that Wal-Mart and its Sams Club division deny equal pay and promotions especially for managerial positions against women who were working on hourly and salaried bases. Moreover, according to them, during conversations about promotions or assignment to another department, they receive friendly and casual reminders or suggestions, yet in reality, these are discouragements. Despite the debates on the legality of the class suit, maintaining the ruling in Dukes will force Wal-Mart in complyi ng with the provisions of Title VII (Sherwyn, 2009). Other evidence of discrimination were the categorization of men and women into homogeneity by deciding on what is beneficial for them rather than asking them about their preferences (Bessen and Kimmel, 2006). For instance, the top management assumes that women employees would not be interested in the meat and sports goods department so they assign men on those departments instead. The departments where women are assigned at also consist of more walks and problems as well as lesser opportunities for advancement. Furthermore, most women experienced being assigned to a second shift for the reason that they have to continue the unfinished woks of their male colleagues. These practices of the company are not limited during work hours but also after in places beyond the companys premises which create anomic situations against women. The second unethical employment practice of Wal-Mart is the inhumane treatment of employees, a violation of the principle of dignity under GBS Codex. One instance of this was the locking up of two workers in order to clean the stores overnight (Mayhew, 2008). This issue was featured in the movie Wal-Mart and was written on the front page in New York Times.The justification of the company was to prevent these people from stealing goods since it is logical that when employees are locked off, it would be difficult for them to get away with the merchandise (Fishman, 2006). There were also reports that two nongovernmental organizations in the United States filed a suit against the company for subjecting factory workers to inhumane conditions and hazardous chemicals, and in Bangladesh for letting the factory workers work at 19-hour shifts (Kline, 2010). Other inhuman practice of the company involves forcing the employees to work even after they had punched out because according to the mana gement, they havent finished effectively their jobs yet. Critics view this as an excuse of the company to drive down overtime payment costs (Fishman, 2006). The third conflict against GBS Codex by Wal-Mart is with regard to the principle of transparency by failing to document the true names and numbers of workers. The U.S Immigration and Naturalization Service arrested 250 undocumented workers during their inspection in some Wal-Mart stores (Glicken, 2010). In 2003, the federal government arrested 300 undocumented workers and in March 2005, the company gave a settlement fee of $11 million for utilizing undocumented workers in its 21 stores (Atkins, 2008). Profit making is likely the primary motivation of Wal-Mart in hiring these undocumented workers (Hing, 2010). The use of these undocumented workers gives the company high labor savings since the former have lower wage rates and are not given fringe benefits. Conclusions Taking care of employees is more than giving them fair compensation. It also touches on the companys concern for the nurturing of their skills, mental and emotional health. In other words, the company should deal with the totality of their being as it strives to attain their financial goals. Wal-Mart failed these by practicing discrimination against women, employing inhumane practices especially to their factory workers, and utilizing undocumented workers. Women already won the debate over working equally with men. A lot of women are working as effectively as the men in the same job. To motivate Wal-Marts employees in terms of policies, the company should revise those policies that show discrimination and unequal opportunities. One way to resolve this is to increase the number of managerial positions or create a more stringent basis of promoting employees. With regard to the inhuman practices of the company, they should support and enhance unionism to give the workers stronger voice in enforcing their rights against such unethical practice. The company as well should revise its policy of giving low prices to consumers yet sacrificing employees welfare. There should be a balance between profit maximization and enhancement of employees well-being. On the issue of undocumented workers, the workers should first obtain a legal status in order to represent themselves. Moreover, the governments where Wal-Mart operates should have a more efficient documentation of the workers coming to and fro the country. In this way, the use of undocumented workers will easily be detected and addressed. On the part of Wal-Mart, it should review its delegation of tasks so that there would be no way to exploit undocumented workers.

Educacional Video Games :: Education, Classrooms

In recent years the video game market has been rising. With the new advancements with technology the limitations are slowly disappearing, what was once unimaginable is now possible. Today’s youth is playing video games for enjoyment more than ever before. The market has even started making its way into classrooms, in the form of instructional mediums. These games are specifically made to increase knowledge and skills, some are even meant for enjoyment but double as educational. The marketers of video games have picked up on this fact and have been working on making more suitable games. There are many different aspects of this new technique of teaching that still needs to be discovered. There are many different reasons as to why educators are supplementing games into their classrooms. Simpson & Clem (2008) stated that the reason as to why this generation learns differently is because they have grown up in a digital world. This has influenced students to learn and think differently than the previous generations. Simpson (2006) stated that 92% of children between 2 and 17 play video games. Also stated is that video games are used on a daily basis in children’s lives. Gordon (2010) wrote that students are lacking motivation to learn, causing them to fail state tests. Also stated by Gordon students were more engaged in class, practiced more skills, and completed their homework. As stated before students use video games in their daily lives, which is related to the way they learn. Simpson (2008) stated that students lean more if they are actively engaged. This in fact has been proven through an increase of test scores. According to Din & Calao (2001) wrote that students who had low focus were less focused when a teacher was teaching, and more focus when computers were used. Rice (2007) wrote that educational video games increase team building, experiential learning, and understanding of abstract concepts. As society, education, and technology change video games for educational purposes will be more prevalent in classrooms. The key to using video games in the classroom is proper implementation. Gordon (2010) gave tips as of how to properly implement games into a school environment. Also stated was that the right game must enforce what students need to learn and should be parallel to the state standards. According to Gordon (2010) there are many questions that need to be answered for proper implementation; these questions are who, what, when, and where. Educacional Video Games :: Education, Classrooms In recent years the video game market has been rising. With the new advancements with technology the limitations are slowly disappearing, what was once unimaginable is now possible. Today’s youth is playing video games for enjoyment more than ever before. The market has even started making its way into classrooms, in the form of instructional mediums. These games are specifically made to increase knowledge and skills, some are even meant for enjoyment but double as educational. The marketers of video games have picked up on this fact and have been working on making more suitable games. There are many different aspects of this new technique of teaching that still needs to be discovered. There are many different reasons as to why educators are supplementing games into their classrooms. Simpson & Clem (2008) stated that the reason as to why this generation learns differently is because they have grown up in a digital world. This has influenced students to learn and think differently than the previous generations. Simpson (2006) stated that 92% of children between 2 and 17 play video games. Also stated is that video games are used on a daily basis in children’s lives. Gordon (2010) wrote that students are lacking motivation to learn, causing them to fail state tests. Also stated by Gordon students were more engaged in class, practiced more skills, and completed their homework. As stated before students use video games in their daily lives, which is related to the way they learn. Simpson (2008) stated that students lean more if they are actively engaged. This in fact has been proven through an increase of test scores. According to Din & Calao (2001) wrote that students who had low focus were less focused when a teacher was teaching, and more focus when computers were used. Rice (2007) wrote that educational video games increase team building, experiential learning, and understanding of abstract concepts. As society, education, and technology change video games for educational purposes will be more prevalent in classrooms. The key to using video games in the classroom is proper implementation. Gordon (2010) gave tips as of how to properly implement games into a school environment. Also stated was that the right game must enforce what students need to learn and should be parallel to the state standards. According to Gordon (2010) there are many questions that need to be answered for proper implementation; these questions are who, what, when, and where.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Essay --

As a little boy, I have always been interested with machines and mechanical engineering. Lego bricks got me interested with building all sorts of buildings, cars and even trains. I would like to learn the skills needed to build machines and produce them for a career. Smart and intelligent minds help to create marvels in transportation including the cars people drive every day. Designing and producing new machines can improve human activity from mechanical engineering. For example, automobiles and can be made to run better, worse or on completely different fuels to run at an enormous rate. Mechanical engineering runs the world and makes things happen with technology. Machines in factories make goods items to be sold for everyone to use such as the production of tools. The world revolves around these fields. Without mechanical engineering the world would be a much different place. The electronics, vehicles, and houses come into effect with mechanical engineering. A big jump wa s the industrial revolution that happened in the 18th century. New machines were created to help fulfill the needs of the people and are still being used today. Mechanical engineering breaks into many different fields including civil engineering and aerospace engineering. Civil engineering allows one to build buildings and forms of infrastructure. Examples would be bridges, tunnels; even the empire state building. Aerospace deals with aerodynamics improving speed and drag for travel in cars, trains, and planes. Aerospace is an expanding field with NASA to make spaceships travel with relative ease to cut down fuel usage to space. I would like to design the engines for motor vehicles and have it for a sports team. Mechanical engineering is a fiel... ...n water. The workout equipment was easy to clean, but not the uniforms. My mentor and I went to try and dry them out, but eventually ended up taking them to the dry cleaners and getting them nice and clean. The way a business runs is not always easy and yet the customer does come first as well as a player in the sport facility. My mentor was one that showed a really perspective on how the real world runs in the today events. Ne moment there may be a ton of orders that are coming in for a place of a machine of store faculty will breakdown. The one thing I have learned no matter what from my mentor in job shadowing is to be ready and orgies to expect the good or bad occurrences. The reason for choosing the topic was a backup for a career it something goes wrong or that I don’t get involved in mechanical engineering. Sports business and training was the topic.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Shiseido in China

Case- Shiseido: Channeling Cosmetics in China 1. Marketing and distribution channels for cosmetics products performed mainly transactional and logistical function. Distribution channels such as the voluntary specialty chain stores perform transactional function when they buy these cosmetic products from the manufacturer and sell them in their individual stores. They share risk with the producer (Shiseido) as they stock merchandises in anticipation for sales.On the other hand, counters at departmental stores and door-to-door selling perform logistical function, whereby they gather, sort and disperse these cosmetic products at these specific counters. For example, some departmental stores may place all the cosmetics counters together on a single level/ specified area in order to serve its customers better. They can also store these products together at a single venue. Door-to-door selling brings the products directly to the consumers.Facilitating function can sometimes be performed in departmental stores as well, where they highlight the bestselling cosmetic brands/products through their own advertisements. Transactional function is generally more important than logistical function, as the former involves the exchange of value (transaction) of products and money, as well as the potential risk the intermediaries are taking up when they chose to sell these products. If the stock the intermediaries purchased is unsold, they suffer the loss and not the producer.Hence, this function involves tangible gains and losses of the intermediaries, which usually tend to value these aspects more. 2. Channel Length Channel Intensity Creation of the Aupres brand which was sold in 350 departmental stores in 2004 shows the approach of intensive distribution Shiseido undertook, Shiseido in China continued on this approach as it attempted to open specialty model stores for its own brands of cosmetic products (some imported from Japan- Shiseido UV White, and some locally produced bran ds such as WHITIA, ASPLIR) in China.This started in March 2004, which expanded to 800 stores by August 2005, and over 5000 stores by end-March in 2011 due to its success. Channel Type There are various channel types adopted by Shiseido in China. Generally, Shiseido in China is specialised and it initially focused on an exclusive group of consumers through the Aupres brand, which targeted top one percent of Chinese population. Additionally, Shiseido started to expand into medium-priced brands (Za, Pure Mild China, UNO, ASPLIR) and lower-priced brand, DQ, in 2010.It has now changed its target group towards the mass Chinese women and seeks to enhance their beauty and health. It generally segmented its range of products to suit the needs of the different consumer groups (looks for different price range of products). Under store retailing, Shiseido focuses on specialty stores through its voluntary specialty chain stores concept and selling its products through counters in departmental st ores. In 2011, Shiseido has plans to commerce in e-commerce initiatives (non-store retailing) to expand existing points of contact with customers.In 2010, Shiseido also launched a website for Chinese Mail-Order market. Factors influencing channel design and strategy †¢Customer Number/Dispersion The wide range of customers’ purchasing power in China results in the dispersion of consumer segments. -> More brands to target different marketing segments. †¢Market Practices/ Availability of Channels Large number of channels available in China – departmental stores and voluntary speciality stores. †¢Market Penetration and Coverage Initially selective (only in departmental stores) for high end products -> Intensive distribution through specialty stores. Service Quality and Response †¢Resources and Profits Improvements to be made to channel design Current channel design: Indirect channels Marketer/ Producer -> Retailers -> Consumers Shiseido can implement ot her channel designs to broaden its availability to consumers -> Implementing the multichannel marketing Shiseido can start a transactional website to increase sales and target a different consumer group from those who buy its products from retail stores. Eg. Males who find it difficult to purchase cosmetics good from retail stores. Promotional website to provide information about Shiseido’s vast range of products will also be helpful in targeting cross-channel shoppers. 3. What retail strategy does Shiseido in China adopt? How is this strategy related to its segmentation, targeting and branding strategies? Shiseido in China adopted a voluntary specialty chain stores concept and departmental stores promotion as well as drugstores recently for its in-store retailing. This uses indirect channels to distribute its products to consumers.This relates to segmentation as departmental stores and specialty chain stores cater to different groups of consumers because of the different bra nds of products they carry. More high-end and exclusive products are available in departmental stores and specialty chain stores. Medium-priced products specially designed for the China consumer market can also be found in these stores. Lower-priced brand such as DQ, can be found in drugstores instead. Evidently, different brands cater to consumer groups with diverse affluence. Shiseido is using multi-branding strategy to reach out to its consumer market.

Our Country’s Good †Characters’ Reactions to the Play Essay

The dissipation tells the bill of convicts and royal Marines sent to Australia in the late 1780s as part of the initiatory penal dependence in that location. It follows Second surrogate Ralph Clarks attempts to swan on a production of George Farquhars comedy institute c everyed The Recruiting policeman with a cast of male and distaff convicts. The fit also shows interesting turning points for the convicts and their place manpowert towards the George Farquhar renovate, which at one time leave alone be looked into much detail. When the bestow is first proposedUpon arrival in Australia, the governor-in-Chief skipper Arthur Phillips suggests an activity or a form of education for the convicts during their stay. Second Lieutenant Ralph Clark takes on the mood to perform a fetchact and decides on the comedy The Recruiting Officer. Midshipman Harry Brewer likes the idea, further Captain Watkin tench laughs at the truly idea. Nevertheless, Ralph Clark c anys upon the first convict Meg Long who is very old and smelly, and who has no idea that Ralph is public lecture close to making a theatric play she thinks he means manything sexual by the word play.Even windlessness, she tells Ralph Clark that she will do whatever he requirements. Moments later, a Robert Sideway shows up and is very intrigued by doing a play and tells a story astir(predicate) when he used to foot pocket bulge outside a household in London. He is very hot with his words I beg you, I entreat you, to let me perform on your stage, to let me feel once over again the thrill of a play about to begin. thither after(prenominal), another two female convicts arrive Dabby Bryant and bloody shame Brenham. Mary is extremely shy, but has the ability to say distant Dabby, although Dabby is very crazy about the play.Afterwards, Liz Morden draw off ons. She seems to be a very harsh bird and snatches the book from Ralph and says I understand you inadequacy me in your play, Lieu tenant. Is that it? Ill look at it and let you k at one time. These words signal peevishness and pride, but assuage a rebuff interest in being include in the play. The reactions of the Royal Marines be in fact quite different. In fare One, Scene Six they hear about the parvenufound idea of making a play with the convicts. Major Robbie Ross is the one who is the close to against the idea of having a play.He deliberates the convicts are in that respect to be punished for their crimes, You want this vice-ridden vermin to enjoy themselves? Captain Watkin Tench is on Rosss side and believes the convicts should do hard labour instead of leisure. The sacred johnson agrees that the play is unable to uphold Christian values and therefore decides that the play should not be allowed. He does not believe that the convicts can reform. The only neutral psyche in this discussion is Lieutenant give Dawes who does not care if the play is there or not Put the play on, dont put it on , it wont change the shape of the universe. simply Ralph Clark and Governor Phillips believe in the idea of redemption and change for the convicts, and thus make up a society amongst them all. Therefore, the Governor allows the play to proceed as Ralph Clark intended. Whilst the play is being used Many of the convicts are queer in the roles they put up received and there is constant confusion of the disappearance of Kable and deception Arscott, where some are indicating that they train escaped. The convicts appear to be having misconceptions about acting although they are trying their best to perform.Liz Morden who appeared to be a having a negative attitude towards everything, seems now to flip a more(prenominal) titular way of chating and is very enthusiastic about her lines, but only remembers them because they were read to her and therefore speaks very fast. She also seems to have gained a nicer approach to her inmates Thank you, Lucy, I do much appreciate your effort . Ralph Clark performs a major leading role in teaching the convicts how to read their lines and act it out at the same time. He is still very interested in the play. that Major Ross ruins their rehearsals when he enters and disrupts their play by accusing Ralph for the escape of Arscott and Kable Five men have run away and its all because of your damned play and your questionable thespists. After the incident, half of the convicts end up enchained and Ralph Clark is considering shutting down the play, but Governor Phillips explains that he should not. Liz Morden, John Wisehammer, John Arscott and morose Caesar are all in chains, but still continue to perform the play. This gives an idea of a newfound hotness for the play and a new occupy in their lives before they are hanged.In the second rehearsal, some convicts are still in chains and Major Ross does everything he can to disrupt the play. Ralph makes a fool of Ross by telling him to leave Major, there is a modesty attache d to the butt on of creation, which must be respected. This makes Ross even more angered and turns it around on the convicts. He makes fun of the convicts who still try to rehearse passionately. The rehearsal is stopped by the sizable of Arscotts cries. Later on, we see that Wisehammer wants to catch a famous writer and he tells Ralph that he has written a new introduction for the play.The convicts are now all very into the play and they rehearse with wide passion. Even when all the convicts are not present, they are squeeze to act to different characters, but they are willing and able. There are also some deeper emotions expiration on between the convicts and between Ralph and Mary. Ralph gets envious when Wisehammer kisses Mary during the rehearsals, but Wisehammer feels it is part of the play and it should be taken seriously. Later on in coiffure Two, Scene Nine, Ralph and Mary are rehearsing unitedly and they grow affectionate of each other as they act.What you occup y as to that. Will you lodge at my quarters in the meantime? You shall have part of my bed. Silvia. Mary. Ralph uses the words of the play to indicate his feelings for Mary and they both undress. By the conclusion of the play In Act Two, Scene Ten, the Royal Marines are discussing the innocence of Liz Morden, and as she will not speak they think she is guilty (of stealing some food). But Governor Phillips reminds her of the play and she whence speaks. This directly means she feels an obligation to her friends, and that expiry would matter.She now feels she has something to live for and that is the play. Her words have also become more clod and she no longer sounds like a convict Your Excellency, I will enterprise to speak Mr Farquhars lines with the elegance and lucidity their own worth commands. The play has brought everyone together and everyone has become nicer to everyone. During the backstage before the writ of execution they discuss how to take the bow, which displays confidence in their upcoming performance and everyone is now center on the play.Even Dabby is suddenly hypnotised but she still wants to escape after their first performance which will get Ralph into trouble, so Mary is against it. Everyone pushes everyone to participate and motivates them. Black Caesar has stage fright but is forced to do it by his inmates. Wisehammer recites his new prologue which is astonishingly good which indicates his passion for writing and for the play itself. In conclusion, all the convicts have been convert by the end of the play and they now feel the magic that the play contains and it had brought them all together, during rehearsals and throughout till the end.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Economics Health Care Essay

Many sk delirioused treat facilities have used a modified structural treat twist, with a registered restrain leading in c atomic number 18 planning and super spate, a licensed vocational nurse giving medicine and nigh treatments, and c atomic number 18 for assistants performing hygienic and activities-of-daily- liveness tasks. With a refreshful furiousness on rehabilitation of their changing and ever much acutely client population, they have bring outed new roles for the distribute for assistants. One such role is that of the reviving aide.These individuals receive additional supervision and prep ar cogitate to range of motion, transfers, and some other activities and may work in squad with physical and descental therapists. In some states, apportion for assistants in long do or residential facilities receive additional training to broadcast oral medications under the supervision of a registered nurse, who evaluates the medication regimen and determines wh ether the medications should be administered as be after. This function is cautiously regulated.Conversations with state board of treat for officials in some(prenominal) states reveal that this practice has been quite effective to appointee and reflects a trend. Some extended facilities that use some a(prenominal) c are for assistants have developed the role of team leaded. These experienced, skilled assistants have exhibited additional leadership dominance and are able to help the registered nurse train, mentor and evaluate the tasks completed by orientees. Since this group of assistants often eons exhibits a fair amount of turn everywhere, the creation of this mail has also become a means to develop and recognize highly competent, tenured employees (Hansten, 2004).Recent perseverance Market Conditions Shifts or intensifys in the picture and indigence for the labor of any occupational or schoolmaster group locoweed have a world-shattering impact on both(prenomin al) the short-term work opportunities and long-term anxietyer paths of workers over time. A commonplace level, when the supply of new entrants (measured in actual come of graduates and numbers of new licenses or registrations) is maintained at moderate levels while labor require is high, workers who stick out the skill requirements of employers can reap substantial benefits.In such labor market situations, unemployment provide be low, and workers leave be in a surd position to look at higher levels of compensation and benefits of wholly forms. Conversely, when the carry for labor is reduced, due to economic downturn, outrides restructuring, or other accompanimentors, while the labor pussy or supply continues to grow or inhabit stable, severe problems of unemployment and underemployment can develop. As with any other tradeal or occupational group, the nursing profession has been affected by significant changes in the supply and demand forces in the labor market.In mappingicular, the nursing profession has been vulnerable to the dramatic shifts in demand for nursing personnel in the recent historic period (Hiscott, 1998). Nursing Assistants in the Heath Care team While the job of nursing aide has existed around since the beginning of the modern hospital, the position is becoming more than formalized as a demonstrate variance of the health anxiety hierarchy.This formalization is co-emergent with the growth of nursing collection plates, which already account for the studyity of jobs in this speedily growing field. Currently, nearly 1. 5 million nursing assistants work in the linked States, and the Occupational learning ability Handbooks (1980-81) predicts 94,000 yearbook openings at least with the near decade, almost all of which will be in nursing homes. One trend in this developing is the requirements for certification prior to work. In order to do this work, one must first be certified finished a state approved training prog ram as a certified nursing assistant (a title now replaces nursing netherworld). In classified newspaper columns throughout the country, there are advertisements for vocational schools that offer such training.The schools get many applicants, mostly poor women, who are attracted to the relatively darling prospects for employment, the caring-oriented duties of the job, and the possibility however remote of moving in the ranks of the nursing profession. Unless one is formally trained in nursing (many foreign-trained nurses work as nurses netherworld), this certification procedure is required (Abel & Nelson, 1990). Long-Term Care There are currently 12 million people living in long-term bang facilities in the United States, and the demand for such business organization is increasing.The $96.2 billion a year nursing home industry, providing long-term condole with for people who need medical as sanitary as personal assistance, is expanding particularly rapidly, in part because th e population is aging and in part because hospitals more and more are discharging patients before they can lot for themselves at home. But the ranks of nurse aides- most of them women, often immigrant or minority women, who typically provide some 80 to 90 percent of the institutionalize boot in these facilities are thinning. More than forty states report captious shortages of nurse aides and other para paid nursing-home workers.One major reason is money. The mean(a) starting wage for nurse aides in nursing homes is $6. 70 per hour, tractable an annual income of $14,000 for full-time workers, most often without benefits. The average wage for all nurse aides works in nursing homes is $10. 12, suggesting relatively small increases for seniority. A study of job leavers by the National engagement for open life Nursing Assistants found that even those who exchangeable their work often leave because they can non support their families on these wages.Exact range of staff turnov er at nursing homes are difficult to determine because rule of calculation differ, but most sources place the annual rate for certified nurse assistants (CNAs) at betwixt 80 and 100 percent. Such high rates of turnover, combined with court cutting, mean that most nursing homes are understaffed most of the time. A lately released report of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services found that more than 90 percent of the nations nursing homes are seriously understaffed. Indeed, the total amount of direct care given per resident per day in nursing homes averages only 3. 2 hours, well below the recommendations of professional organizations.And time studies conducted by the National Network of Career Nursing Assistants show that in an eight-hour shift it is unsufferable for CNAs to perform their five main responsibilities bathing, feeding, toileting, dressing and walk patients for caseload of twenty patients, not an uncommon assignment (Fitzgerald, 2006). major Factors Influe ncing Health Care A range of influences, both external and internal, are greatly affecting the forthcoming of the profession for both pharmacists and technicians.External influences such as structural change in the health care economy, the growth of managed care, changes in health care financing, telecommunication and automated technologies, and breakthroughs in drug research and ergonomics are only a few of the forces that will undoubtedly regularise the environment of chemists shop practice. query into the molecular basis of illness and its treatment, multiple disease morbidity and chronicity in an aging population, and the critical nature of interdisciplinary health care relationships and collaboration will impose major challenges that will change our mavin of purpose as professionals.Another influence on the profession may well be the heightened expectations of an increasingly informed and demanding public. Many of these external influences may be beyond our control. On t he other hand, certain factors may have even more influence over our destiny. These factors include internal forces such as capacity expectations and assessments, continuous education, training and retraining, the differentiated nature of pharmacy practice and growth of specialization, and the achievement of the mission and vision of pharmaceutical care (Durgin & Hanan, 1999).Economic Influences A all-encompassing array of economic and market influences continue to shape the direction and nature of the health care speech communication sector. Market driven Reforms Glacial yet deep fundamental changes have been occurring in health care since the mid-1980s. The Executive Summary of Third Report of the pew Health Professions Commission poignantly describes the fact that, since 1990, the financial, organizational, and legitimate framework of American health care has been undergoing a transformation to governing bodys of coordinated care combining primary, specialty, and hospita l services.The failure of the federal government and political system to successfully enact comprehensive health care reform legislation has given way to de fact of market-driven reforms energized by consumer and employer demands for more services and more importunate technology. This problem is further compounded by a growing market trend of health care payers (public and private) refusing to pay the true and full economic be of health care. Cost ContainmentA continuing focalisation on cost containment in health care delivery has led to a fiercely emulous marketplace. In some instances, the vision of success through providing care at the lowest possible cost may well be outpacing the quest for feel outcomes in health care. The continued market perceptiveness of managed care and consolidation and integration of health care provider systems may well resolving power in a survival of the fittest scenario in which only those systems that can produce the pass judgment stakeholder results will survive.Public drive for Health Care Services Heightened public demand for a broader and improved spectrum of health care continues unabatedly as a result of availability of consumer-focused education and the close to instantaneous world of information access through telecommunications and the personal computer. As more information roughly health-related issues, breakthroughs in science and technology, and disease treatment advance, public demand spirals upward.Although health cares next will ultimately be defined by public expectations, it will at the same time mandate the health care providers continually and consistently assess, ensure, and improve the quality and effectiveness of services provided. hospital Reorganization The 1990s have ushered in a frenetic pace of price-driven competition among hospitals for the business of third-party payers, managed care organizations, and large employers for the services of physicians, and other hospital services.Hospital s must now compete on the basis of providing levels of care and services at pre set(p) prices. Financial adventure continues to be shifted providers of health care as debate to those that pay for such care. Much of this shift is a result of the growth of managed care and its impact on exposing excess hospital capacity. As a result of such trends, some hospitals that have not planned effectively or failed to recognize impending change have been forced to close.Hospital closures and consolidations are expected to continue into the next century. Unquestionably, the successful evolution of integrated health care will be determined economically. Yet, the health care industry must not lose sight of its mission to satisfy the inescapably of patients in the process. The interests of cost and profit cannot be allowed to follow optimal patient outcomes. In the final analysis, demand for health care services will be satisfied at the price its consumers are unforced to pay.Nursing assistan ts in this case, must market themselves to remain a part of such demand structure and ultimately demonstrate their roles in optimizing patient care outcomes and value (Abel & Nelson, 1990 Durgin & Hanan, 1999). The Future For nursing aides, the employment prognosis is excellent. Four hundred thousand new jobs for nursing should open up in the next 5 years, according to the US Department of Labor, which ranks nursing aides as the tenth fastest growing occupation requiring a high school diploma or less in the coming decade. Salaries should increase as well.Many of the reasons for this growth are the same as those that are spurring demand for more home care aides and many other types of direct caregivers our population is growing, it is growing older, and long-term care facilities and programs for the inveterate ill are expanding. Specifically, employment opportunities for nursing aides should increase in nursing homes and other long-term care facilities and decrease in general hospita ls which, increasingly, are focusing only on the seriously ill who require high-technology medical care (Swanson, 2000).